Saturday, January 9, 2010

Types Of Pensions Why Does America Need Two Type Of Disability Pension. Some People Could Be Board-line With Been Able To Work ?

Why does America need two type of disability pension. Some people could be board-line with been able to work ? - types of pensions

Or perhaps the right place at the right time, and so on.
And then only a small amount of merit before the payment is cut?


blindguy... said...

I think you just confused! :) Do not feel bad - The existing system is not clear.

The reasons for the dual system (Supplemental Security Income [SSI] and Social Security Disability Income [SSDI]) are historic - and on the basis of intolerance.

SSDI began with small pensions for the blind (such as Title X of the Act on Social Security, 1935). Since the expansion of the system is based on the idea that people who had been working "to help earn" too. SSI is considered as a charity (welfae) and is mainly for people born with a disability who has never intended the ability to work - and do not deserve it "."

Another special feature SSDI allows people to work and earn money (enough to live decently in most cases) and help maintain. Thus, a subject can hold - or, if they (mostly) - back to work full time.

A person who bornwith adisability (and therefore on SSI) benefits are not without their work - they just do not have the option described above. If you try to earn more oraa small amount (less than $ 100 a month) will be punished, which reduces their profits.

The roots of this madness in the so-called "social Darwinism" - the dominant ideology of the 20th Century (in Germany, part of the Nazi ideology was). Create the following categories of persons with disabilities:
> A shortfall, but not so born. These people are considered "normal" and contribute to society just at the wrong time - and are worthy of support. "Since I made in the system of disability pension for Social Security are a" profit ".
> People (in the ideology of the time), are born with a disability, less than human - as "bad" that are nothing but a burden on society. In the early 1900s, some advocates of this view even killed "defective" children (no, I joke, it Pernick, E, "The Black Stork").

The system has survived until today. It's not fair - and the worst possibHe argues that prejudice and intolerance. The only solution for a child is born with a disability in order to beat the system and get a job anyway - and after 5 years as a human being and is for SSDI.

I'm not exaggerating. Even as recently as 1998 the U.S. Supreme Court refused to annul laws or fat of the forced sterilization of certain people with disabilities - and still no legislation in some states!

Skins_fa... said...

From what I SSDI is for people who have worked over a longer period or with severe mental retardation and wait until they're 18 and basically when I was a child.

SSI is for people who do not have a long history of work, but they are not serious enough for a higher salary.

SSI and some form of disability, many people say, no, but it really is. Is this not a form of disability and supplemental income only every action.

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